Nose Waxing Side Effects: Is Removing Nose Hair Beneficial?

Does Waxing Nose Hair Hurt

As you may have guessed nose waxing is not exactly a comfortable process. In fact, it can be downright painful. The first time is usually the most jarring. Some swear off nose waxing after that! You see nose waxing removes the hair from the root and they are pulled out all at once, often causing blinding pain. Especially for those who have a low pain threshold.

If you are thinking of nose waxing, there are some side effects that you should be aware of.

As such Let’s get into it.

Can you wax nose hair?

Yes, Nose hair waxing has become particularly popular among both men and women and is considered safe. Nose waxing removes the hairs inside the nostrils. The hair can be removed completely or partially. Sometimes people choose to simply remove the hair that is visible.

Does waxing nose hair hurt?

Waxing nose hair is just an efficient, yet painful method for removing nostril hair. Although waxing nose is a popular method, the process is painful. Even if it’s done correctly to minimize the pain, many people state the process hurts.

What are nose waxing side effects

The side effect of waxing nose hair are often aspect results like redness, some discomfort, bumps and feasible ingrown hairs that come later. The nostril region is a completely delicate region and it is hard to see what is exactly occurring with the skin interior. Having those aspect effects is regularly more disturbing and painful within the nostrils, than say, your legs or underarms.

Here are a few things about nose waxing side effects:

Nose waxing causes increases the risk of foreign particles getting into your air passages

Nose hairs have a very important function. They help filter the air that we breathe. When you remove them, all the dust particles and other debris that they may have trapped can make it into your lungs. Foreign matter can cause coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and a host of unpleasant symptoms as your body tries to get rid of the dust or other offending materials. If debris actually makes it into your lungs, in extreme cases, your lungs can be damaged.

Irritation, Redness, and Swelling

One of the most common side effects of nose hair waxing is irritation and redness in the area that has been waxed. This irritation can be caused by the wax itself, as well as by any excess hair removal. If you experience irritation or redness after nose waxing, it is recommended to apply a soothing lotion to the area and allow it to absorb into the skin. Swelling may also occur, especially if the skin has been irritated or broken. To minimize swelling, try using a cold compress on the area and keeping it elevated, if possible.

Infection of The Hair Follicles

While infections following nose waxing are rare, they can have serious consequences. The most common infections from nose waxing include bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Infections from nose waxing will typically occur if you have sensitive skin or a preexisting condition that increases your risk of infection. Sometimes, the wax used for nose hair removal is not correctly sanitized and can lead to infections. Additionally, improper sanitation of the tweezers used to pluck out nose hairs can also result in infection. Most infections occurring after nose waxing are easily treated with medication and don’t last more than a few weeks.

Bleeding or Bruising

Another possible effect of nose waxing is bleeding or bruising. That only happens if you press too hard or poke your nose too hard while executing the waxing procedure. That happens when you do the waxing too fast or don’t follow your waxing technician’s instructions on removing nose hair. To avoid this, gently extract the wax without pressing hard. It is also possible to get minor bruises and even to bleed when you do the waxing. That happens when you overdo the waxing or poke your nose too hard. To avoid these problems, take it easy during the procedure and carefully follow the instructions your waxing technician gives.

Scarring, Especially for People Who Have Naturally Sensitive Skin

That being said, it is essential to go to a professional with experience and knowledge of what they are doing. Otherwise, you could get scarring, especially if your skin is sensitive. Ideally, it would help if you went to a doctor or esthetician specializing in facial waxing.

Burning or Stinging Sensation

The nose is a delicate area with many tiny blood vessels, so nose waxing can sometimes cause pain or burning. That may be temporary and should resolve on its own after a few minutes, or it may last for a few days. If the pain lasts longer than a week, you should consult your doctor.

Nose waxing may cause ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs occur when the hair starts growing back into the skin. You may have ingrown hairs if the inside of your nose hurts or itchy. You may also notice tiny bumps with inflammation in them. Your nose may also appear red.

  • If you have an ingrown hair or several, you should clean your nostrils with a warm wet cotton swab. Next, you should rub your nose in a circular motion. This should release the errant hair from your skin.
  • If the hair proves stubborn, use a sterilized pin or needle to gently pull the hair free from the skin. You may have an infection if the area remains swollen and painful. In that case, you may need to visit your doctor. Do not attempt any further hair removal until the area heals up.

Since nose waxing can result in some complications, you should consider it carefully before you decide to do it. Especially if you have sensitive skin. You can choose less invasive techniques to keep your nose hairs in check.

How often should you wax nose hairs?

It’s recommended a person should get their nosed waxed about once every other month. However, this also depends on how fast your nose hair grows and the thickness.

How much does nose waxing cost ?

The average price of having your nose hair professionally waxed can range: from $20 – $80 depending on where you are getting it done. A cheaper method to nose hair waxing is buying your own waxing kit for nose hair.


There are many alternative to getting rid of nose hair and you do not need to wax. A safer and less painful way is to trim the nostril hair. However, nose waxing does not have any major side effects. Buying the best nose hair trimmers or a manual nose hair trimmer are great alternatives to removing nose hairs.

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